Public opinion

Public opinion surveys. Quantitative methodology


Discovering the public opinion and showing the evolutionary tendencies of society is vital to push any social, cultural or business initiative.

DURMES  is in charge of the design of the questionnaire according to the objectives and interests of the client, of carrying out the fieldwork, of the data processing and of the analysis of the results. Thus the client has valuable information to make solutions and business strategies.

DURMES  provides the carrying out of serialised sociological researches that allow us to understand, in a systematic way, the impact business and institutional actions have and to do a follow-up of the public opinion status.

Studies of qualitative methodology


GABISE SA has a detailed experience in all kinds of studies that require a qualitative approximation:

• Group meetings (group dynamics) are also a way of working with opinions, values and attitudes in social and economic studies.

 In-depth interviews (or to experts) are also qualitative instruments essential to study thoroughly in the social dynamics.

Election studies


Election surveys are instruments to get to know the opinions, attitudes and vote expectations during the different elections. They are used to describe the political situation at different moments of the term of office: During the governing period (relating the government’s action), to understand the political situation and its evolution; in pre-electoral or electoral stage, to obtain details about the tendencies; minutes after closing polling stations, to have data before the official recount.

The results of these surveys are used as the base for the definition of election strategies, which is one of the most important areas of specialisation of DURMES.